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Perfect Welding

Bergbahn AG Kitzbühel: the new winner on the Streif

Bergbahn AG, Kitzbühel, Austria

Bergbahn AG Kitzbühel’s 500 employees operate over 50 cable cars and lifts and keep the 170 km of prepared descents at the ski resort in perfect condition. To do so they have an infrastructure of around 1,000 snowmakers and a fleet of 32 snow groomers and other vehicles at their disposal. Bergbahn AG undertakes most of the maintenance work itself. To do so the company has four workshops and eight certified welders on its books.

AccuPocket, Bergbahn AG

Uli Aufschnaitler, Operations Manager at Bergbahn AG

“After conducting our first tests we quickly made the decision to buy the AccuPocket based on the undoubted benefits.”
AccuPocket Bergbahn


In summer maintenance work mainly involves repairing the utility shafts supplying power and water to the snowmakers, some of which are on terrain impossible to reach by car. As the power supply to the snowmaking systems is switched off during summer, in the past carrying out any welding operations was a large-scale operation for staff. A 200 kg 6 kV generator had to be carried to the relevant shaft and then taken away again, which required up to four people at a time.

“Thanks to the compact nature of AccuPocket, not to mention the lack of any power cables, I’m able to save at least 30 minutes on every job.” Daniel Seyer, welding engineer


Bergbahn AG has been using the AccuPocket battery-powered MMA welding system from Fronius since May 2014. This solution boasts a high-powered battery and is specially designed for mobile applications. The battery capacity delivers sufficient power to weld up to eleven 2.5 mm electrodes or eight 3.25 mm electrodes. Weighing a mere eleven kilograms, it can easily be transported to wherever it is needed. A complete charging cycle using the supplied AccuCharger lasts just half an hour. For larger scale welding tasks, the AccuPocket can also be hooked up to a compact 2 kV generator.