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Solar Energy
Instaladores y socios

Repotenciación de una instalación fotovoltaica de 660 kWp en Italia

24/08/2020 / Italia
Sustitución parcial de los inversores de una instalación fotovoltaica sobre tejado

El operador de un sistema fotovoltaico montado en tejado con sede en Italia había instalado un sistema fotovoltaico de 660 kWp en 2011 con el objetivo de reducir los costes energéticos mensuales.


Los equipos instalados no produjeron los rendimientos esperados, por lo que el operador del sistema decidió sustituir los equipos por inversores de Fronius.

» The existing equipment did not produce the yields expected. Because of this, we upgraded the system and installed 11 Fronius Symo inverters. Previously, we had been using inverters from another manufacturer. «



PV system modernisation to increase yields

If a PV system is generating less power than originally calculated, there are steps the installer can take towards repowering. In the case of the PV system in Italy, some of the inverters were subject to defects and, as a result, the total yields were diminishing the system performance by a significant degree.


The local installer, KRK Energy Service Srl, chose Fronius Symo inverters for the repowering project, and had this to say: “We chose Fronius, because these products represent the very best when it comes to quality. We needed to improve the performance of the system and to do so we implemented a partial repowering. This involved replacing the existing inverters with 11 Fronius Symo devices.”



About the system:

System size: 660 kWp
Date of installation: 

Initial installation: 2011

Partial repowering: 2020 

Information on repowering:  

Partial modernisation of the system (110 kWp)

Equipment from another manufacturer was not producing the expected yields

Repowering inverter:  11 Fronius Symo 10.0-3-M 



Reasons for repowering: 

Modernising an existing system can bring a large number of benefits for owners:

Increased performance and therefore higher yields & ROI

Modern equipment representing state of the art (e.g. modern energy management system)
Upgrade the system with functions like an energy storage system or e-mobility infrastructure 
Long-term reduction in service costs 



Repowering with Fronius inverters

The majority of existing PV systems can be upgraded using Fronius inverters. Even equipment from other manufacturers can, in most cases, be replaced without major difficulty.


Both commercial and private systems are amenable to repowering. Installing an up-to-date inverter means the customer is able to benefit from a host of new functions, such as a modern energy management system, the addition of an energy storage system or the installation of e-mobility infrastructure.

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