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General participation conditions for events

By registering for an event, you declare that you agree to abide by the following conditions:


You can register for an event using theregistration form for the event in question on the Fronius Internationalwebsite. Your registration is deemed to be binding and will be used forinvoicing purposes. Registrations are processed regularly on afirst-come, first-served basis. An event will only take place if theminimum number of participants required for the event register. 

Registration Confirmation

Subject to places being available,every registration becomes a fixed reservation, and the registrant willreceive an e-mail confirmation one week before the start of theseminar.  The registration confirmation contains all the necessaryinformation (e.g. start time, location map, directions, etc.).

Certificates and/or invoices will be sent to the address given on the registration form.


Please see the Fronius International website for details of seminar fees.

Payment Conditions

Immediately on receipt of invoice, no discounts.

Confirmation of Participation

Confirmation of participation is sent by post after completed participation at the event.


Cancellations must be notified in writing or bytelephone at least seven working days before the event begins. Any feesalready paid will be refunded in this instance. Failure to observe thecancellation deadline will result in the entire fee being forfeited.Failure to attend an event will not entitle the registrant to a discountor refund of the invoiced amount. 

Cancellation of Events

Fronius International reserves theright to cancel events, particularly if not enough participants haveregistered. Any fees already paid will be refunded in this instance.Requests for additional compensation will not be entertained. This alsoapplies in the case of last-minute cancellations, even if it isimpossible to inform participants in advance.

Change of Speaker

As long as the overall theme of the event isnot significantly affected, a change of speaker or changes to theschedule will not entitle participants to withdraw from the contract orreceive a discount. 

Right to refuse admission

Fronius International reserves theright to refuse admission to participants under certain circumstances(e.g. if they disrupt the event or other operational procedures). In thecase of refused admission, any financial claims made against FroniusInternational will be settled according to the section "Cancellation" ofthese "General participation conditions for events". 


Fronius International, the owners of seminar roomsor persons contracted by them accept no liability for any damage,particularly damage caused by accident, injury, loss or theft, unlesssuch damage can be attributed to deliberate or grossly negligent actionson the part of Fronius International or its agents.

Data Storage

By registering, you consent to your personal databeing stored by Fronius International and distributed to the speaker(s)at the event. For Fronius International, protection of your personaldata has the very highest priority. The data you provide will always bestored, processed and used in compliance with the prevailing dataprotection regulations in Austria. Fronius International GmbH treatsyour data as confidential, and will not sell, hire, or otherwise make itavailable to third parties.

Fronius International reserves the right to make reasonable changes tothese participation conditions. The currently applicable participationconditions can be found on the website.

By clicking on the button, the participant consents to these terms and conditions.